Some Other Extra Life Update #1

If you’ve been listening to our regular shows over the past few weeks, odds are pretty good that you’ve heard us talking about our plans for Extra Life this year. In case you haven’t, though, here’s the scoop:

Extra Life, which takes place over November 2nd and 3rd this year, is an event that entails a lot of people who are passionate about gaming committing to playing for 25 straight hours and taking donations, all of which go to their chosen hospital within the Children’s Miracle Network. You can read all about the details at the event’s official website:

This year, we at Some Other Podcast decided it was time to join in, and we’ve formed a team, the donation page for which can be found here:

For the few weeks leading up to the event itself, we’ll be posting updates here to let everyone know what our plans are, how things are progressing, and how much we greatly appreciate all of the support that we’re getting. So, how about some love first? We like love.

We would like to extend all of the hugs to Sean, Karl, Justin, Carolyn, and Ed, all of whom have been awesome enough to put money towards our impending ridiculousness. If you would like to join their amazing ranks, the easiest way is to click the link above! We would love to have your support. Our chosen hospital is the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, which we selected because they’re in our neighborhood, and because they have done a lot in the field of cancer research, amongst many other things. (FUCK cancer.)

As we come up with more details about what exactly we’ll be doing, there will be updates on it, but for now, rest assured that we will be streaming the WHOLE DEAL at (where you should subscribe if you haven’t already–this is also where we do our other livestreams, by the way), so put the dates on your calendar, because we’ll also need lots of support through the event itself! Even if you only show up and watch us for a little while, please do stop by. It’ll keep our morale boosted, and we promise to be extra hilarious.

One last thing: As a bit of an incentive, we’ve decided that whoever makes the largest donation to our team will have the opportunity to choose one of our games! The rules are as follows:

1. It must be playable on one of the systems we’re planning on using (360, PS3, or Wii…PS2 is also an option).

2. We’d prefer something that one of us already owns, but if we don’t, as long as it isn’t TOO expensive/difficult to find, we’re willing to work around that.

3. We promise to play it for at least an hour, no matter what.

We haven’t decided on a cutoff date for this yet, but it’ll be at least a few days before the event so that we have time to contact our winner, track down the game, and so on. We’ll keep you updated on the details, so stay tuned!

Please feel free to hit us up here, at our email (, or on Twitter (@Improbable42, @etdragon, or @SomeOtherCastle) with any questions, and keep listening to the show and watching this space for more info.

Trust us, guys. We have Plans.

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