Some Other Extra Life Update #4

We’re in the home stretch! You may have noticed that there is no podcast scheduled for this week, and we’re also taking a break from Building Character. Fear not, because both of these things will return…but for now, we’re focusing all of our energy on our impending internet nonsense. Here’s where things stand as of this, our last pre-show update:

Since last time, we have received a whole bunch of new donations, so thank you to Adam, Marcus, Connie, Nicholas, and Bill! We hope you enjoy your new membership in the Awesome Club. (I mean, not that you guys weren’t awesome anyway. It’s just official now.)

As promised, we have reached out to our top donor and allowed him to select a title for us to play for a whole hour. That donor is Giles, and the game he has chosen is…. (drumroll, please)

Star Trek!

This promises to be an… interesting experience, to say the least, so make sure you check out the stream for that one. We’ll probably be inventing new swear words! At the very least, you should get to see some fascinating glitches.

If you have any suggestions, questions, or miscellaneous encouragement for us, please feel free to comment here, email us at, or Tweet at us via @someothercastle, @Improbable42, or @etdragon. If you’d like to donate but haven’t yet, here is our Extra Life page link:

Once again, we want to thank everyone who has supported us. Without you guys, this would just be us being dumb on the internet for no reason… you know, again. Please make sure you tune in to on November 2-3, starting at 8 AM EST; remember, we’re going to need the company!

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