I’m pretty excited to be finally writing this post. Leah and I have discussed the idea of making t-shirts and other miscellaneous nonsense available to you guys for a really long time but we never pulled the trigger. Part of the reason for that was many of the iterations of our logo just weren’t well suited for that sort of business. The current logo designed by Mik from The Fanboys Lunchcast fame, is perfectly suited to shirts and other hot merchandise. A million thanks to him for making that logo and providing it to me a thousand different ways. He’s a pretty rad guy.

Now you can sport a little piece of Some Other Castle on the daily. We have two shirts available for you to purchase as well as a polo, a hoodie, and a hot coffee mug for well, hot coffee mostly. I won’t judge you for putting whiskey in there though. That’s what I plan to use it for. You can find the storefront by following this link.
A few things to note about this storefront of ours. First, you can put any of the shirt designs (and the hoodie logo design) on any other piece of apparel that Zazzle sells. You can also order a different color than the stock ones we chose. You want a baby onsie with #HEEEYYY on it? Yeah you can do that. I will personally be ordering shirts for both of my children. Second, 5% of all sales from this stuff technically go to us. I’m going to take every penny that we make from that and donate it directly to our Extra Life campaign this year. I know some of this stuff is a touch expensive and adding that commission on top of it makes it more so but I want to pull a little extra coin in to help Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.
If you folks have any other designs you would like to see made up drop a comment in this post so I can track ideas. If an idea is rad enough I will make it happen for you folks. If you buy some gear make sure to take an action shot and send it to us so we can see how rad you guys look in our logo. Share the storefront, buy some shirts, and get ready for new episodes and other hot nonsense from us.
Heh heh heh…hot coffee.
Ordered me a hoodie.
I would rather see you keep my 5% and spending it on booze but whatever. #FuckTheChildren