Some Other Extra Life Update #2

Hello again! As promised, it’s time to update you fine folks on our progress towards this year’s Extra Life marathon.

We’ve received a TON of support this week, so we have a lot of thanks and inappropriate internet hugs to dole out. So, to Giles, Maureen, Nicole, George, Don, Brandi, Melissa, and Kevin, THANK YOU! Your inappropriate hugs will arrive in the mail in six to eight weeks. Continue reading

Some Other Extra Life Update #1

If you’ve been listening to our regular shows over the past few weeks, odds are pretty good that you’ve heard us talking about our plans for Extra Life this year. In case you haven’t, though, here’s the scoop:

Extra Life, which takes place over November 2nd and 3rd this year, is an event that entails a lot of people who are passionate about gaming committing to playing for 25 straight hours and taking donations, all of which go to their chosen hospital within the Children’s Miracle Network. You can read all about the details at the event’s official website:

This year, we at Some Other Podcast decided it was time to join in, and we’ve formed a team, the donation page for which can be found here: Continue reading