Some Other Podcast, Episode 102: Our Wrestling Arc

You know how sometimes when you’re young you make really bad decisions and then you’re over it in like a day? Well, we’re here to tell you that those same bad decisions are SO MUCH WORSE when you get old. Really, I promise you. SO much worse. This is all to say that you shouldn’t buy the 25 ounce Rita. I know it sounds funny, but it’s pretty awful, actually. Anyway, video games.

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Some Other Podcast, Episode 101: Cursed Moogle

Is it possible for video games to suck and to be awesome at the same time? Turns out it is! We are very excited about one half of those things this week, and we’ll let you guess which. Well, you probably don’t have to guess, actually. You could just listen to the podcast. Join us as we discuss cross-breeding flowers, horrific versions of beloved mascots, and baby baby baby baby baby baby baby…..

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