Some Other Podcast, Episode 100: No Ho Ho

Hello friends! It is our ONE HUNDREDTH EPISODE! CELEBRAMOS!! Aside from poisoning our insides with questionable beverages (and snacks), we are also here to give you the sickest, hottest, hypest news and chat about video games. Are those things that the youths say? We don’t really know, but probably!

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Some Other Podcast, Episode 99: Pineapple Upside Down Cake

We play games that were released this decade. Sometimes? It’s not exactly our preferred time period, I suppose. Come along with us as we explore old games, new games, short games, long games, and just ALL the games. Hey, send us listener mail! It would brighten our lives if you did.

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Some Other Podcast, Episode 057: Buckle Your Pants

There is LESS Madden talk this week, which is not NO Madden talk, but it’s better than it could have been. You got lucky, really. Instead, we talk about devious platforming, mattresses catching on fire, and above all, sweet sweet candy. Now go listen to this show while we go check our lollipop yields. That is not a euphemism. Continue reading

Some Other Podcast, Episode 54: Great Night to Have a Podcast

We asked for listener mail, and you guys provided, so thank you! We also have a lot of things to say about games we’ve been playing, notably Bioshock Infinite (which will have a spoilercast released later this week, so definitely stay tuned for that…this show is spoiler-free, though!). We also explore Leah’s problems with Silent Hill, Elaine’s crippling Mother 2 addiction, and…well, and listener mail. We did mention we have a lot of listener mail, right? Continue reading