Some Other Podcast, Episode 98: Why We’re Popular

We know what you guys want. You want talk about video games, right? ….right?

Okay, okay. You probably also want us to talk about weird stuff, eat weird snacks, and read a whole bunch of listener mail. Well, brothers and sisters, WE HAVE GOT YOU COVERED. Enjoy! (And seriously, don’t vote on covering me in spiders. She doesn’t need the encouragement.)

Popularity Links!


Drakengard 3

Sims 4

Rogue Legacy

Destiny servers went down and were possibly hacked by assholes

No more Rock Band Network…

Oculus is a new platform now

P4 Dancing All Night delayed

You should probably email us! Do that thing and make us feel like cool kids:


5 thoughts on “Some Other Podcast, Episode 98: Why We’re Popular

  1. Erik September 24, 2014 / 5:12 pm

    Cards Against Humanity – White Card


  2. Erik September 24, 2014 / 5:12 pm

    Cards Against Humanity – White Card


  3. Erik September 24, 2014 / 5:13 pm

    Black Card:

    Urgh! This drink tastes like _____________

  4. WheelchairNinja April 6, 2015 / 11:52 pm

    (Let’s see if this works two years in a row…)

    Send moar podcast plz! My earholes are lonely! You’ve been two episodes away from SOC#100 for months! Have you been trying to find a Fudgie the Whale all this time? I know you said they were hard to find, I didn’t realize they were rare as freaking unicorns!

    (Acknowledgement that making time for podcasting is difficult, that you don’t owe us fans anything, and that you’ve come back from longer hiatuses so the current break is nothing to worry about. Keep being awesome, ladies. We’ll be here when you get back!)

    • Elaine April 12, 2015 / 2:14 pm

      Unfortunately scheduling has been really hard largely bc of me. Starting a new job and juggling other things has been a time suck. Not excuses at all but I’m definitely the reason here. I’m not saying there will never be new episodes just that this hiatus may last a while depending on what happens. I’m sorry. I love all of you guys who have supported us so very much.

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